64 bit
The upgrade to 64 bit computing has been relatively smooth. Of course, my old midi keyboard won’t work, but then again, who needs things to work?
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The upgrade to 64 bit computing has been relatively smooth. Of course, my old midi keyboard won’t work, but then again, who needs things to work?
At the behest fest of my Sexual Wife, I am going to upload random “recordings” from my litle recorder. They are rambling ideas generally, fraught with nonsense. Think of them as “Wastes of your time”.
I have recently read in one of the magazines, that scientists believe that they can now successfully bathe their bed ridden mother without loving them anymore.
As a sweet benefit to you, esteemed reader, I have been able to enshroud my music in the grim vaporous cloak of this “flash mp3 player”. Deep within its furled mysteries lay the shriveled sun-bereft members of “mister MP3″, though all you see is this raiment, in gray.
Henceforth, I will be debuting my demos on this blog. Stay tuned for some mad preview action.
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