A little fan art for my chodfather.
Way more sarberiankh actions
MOre and more action. Now you can add the sarberiankh search engine to your firefox or IE 7 search bar. Congrats. There are some user skins, if you dont’ like the default (i’m planning on changing the default soon anyway, now that its all working). And of course, i’ve added many new articles.
for instance.
Enjoy! and one more thing. Users and non users alike now have permission to defile the wiki discussion pages with any random stupid thing they want. When i get to pages about abortion, or george bush, i hope you will help ruin the site.
Many Sarberiankh updates
I wont’ go through them all, but you can check them out HERE
Today i had a healthscare, but the doctors said “its nothing.”
What does that mean? I wish i had the power to derealize things and demanifest things just be declaring them nothing. “You’re not actually dying. You’re not actually awake. This is not actually a kiss (leans in for kiss).”
Why is it always that when you have to record and mix your EP, you hate all the songs and realize they dont’ really work…
This is sort of infuriating. I’m releaseing 2 songs on blocks recording club’s Building BLocks scenario, but suddenly its like my songs don’t take a guitar anymore. They’ve rejected the graft, and the white cells are dissolving any semblance of awesome… This is going to take a few days, which i dnt’ have.. ARGLRLGLRG
Morning Jokes
I’ll try to write jokes every morning.
Here are the morning jokes. I wrote them on twitter i guess…
“What’s hope?” asked the boy. I didn’t know what to tell him, or what to kisstell to him. So, yes, it was just frenching, officer.
I may be the @Anamanaguchi of Canada. Then again, I may be the Curtain Miser of Mount Drapes. You’ll have to wink at my blinkport to know.
@stephenfry I got a new job typing out audiobooks for deaf people. I also set up a charity to congratulate me with sentient smiles.
“I like this movie” I sang. “SHUT UP” said the audience. But songtruth can not be silenced by talktruth.
Winter is the cruellest month. No wait. Her name was April. And it wasn’t month. Or Cruel. Or April. Susan was the shortest Chef.
New video, 2 singles, very soon
By the end of the month, the masters to the 2 songs being released on building blocks (for blocks recording club) will be in their hands, and soonafter, in yours. However, i’m also releasing a separate video signal, something i’ve concocted just recently, which is kind of a lovesong to my teenage years. I’ve beta tested the song, and Alice likes it, so i think it’s good to go. Expect a heart wrenching video of staggering genius.